
<The magic of the white snake>(34-14)

2017-08-01 宋增科 草坪驿站






很喜欢德国人Helmut Matt &美国人Linda Marie Matt合著的<The Magic Of The White Snake>(白蛇传奇),现摘抄其中的片段,仅供爱好者欣赏,如喜欢,希请购买正版

It was the evening of the Dragon Boat  Festival.

The red gold rays of the setting sun were  reflected on the tranquil surface of the lake.

Everywhere,cheerful people stood around  in groups,conducting(传递) animated(生气勃勃的) conversations,laughing and enjoying the final hours  of a beautiful holiday.

I think this the most beautiful dragon boat regatta()I have  ever seen,Bai Suzhen nibbled()blissfully()on a zongzi filled with gorond meat.

She,her huasband Xian,and their friend  Xiao Qing had found a seat in a cozy tea house to have some food and green  tea and watch the colorful dragon boats returning to the  various landing stages of the lake.

Not all guests who  had come to the West Lake that night were in good sprits and enjoying  themselves.

For weeks,Suzhen had had the dim() feeling  that she was being watched undeviatingly() by a pair of invisible eyes.

Xian,who had not  noticed these incidents,tried to calm her down.

There really is nothing,he consistenly() repeated.

Pregnant women are often extremely senstive to  sounds and external()impressions.

However,Suzhen’s feeling did not deceive()her.

It was Fa Hai,the fake monk,who,for days,had not lost sight of her.

On the same night that he had heard about  that pharmacy near the West Lake and its miracilous  medicine,he had set off towards Hangzhou.

He had to see who dared sabotage(毁坏) hiswork,making  his efforts almost fruitless(无果的).

Looking through a window of the  pharmacy,he saw a young man serving a female customer.

Two women were working in the  background-one of them clothed all in white,the other one in green.

He immediately recognized that the  beautiful white lady could be none other than Bai Suzhen,the white snake  from the depths of the West Lake.

From this day on,he followed his former rival at every turn(每次),waiting with stubborn(坚持的) patience for the perfect moment of revenge(报复).

He long since(早就) had detected that Suzhen was an expecting mother,andthat she therefore was  not in full possession of her magical power.

This weakness had to betaken advantage of(利用).

